Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT)

BMRCL Successfully Commissioning of IGBT Battery Charger.
2 Number of 110V, 70A IGBT Battery Chargers for the Project of Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd… 
BMRCL Successfully Commissioning of IGBT Battery Charger.
2 Number of 110V, 70A IGBT Battery Chargers for the Project of Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd… 
BMRCL Successfully Commissioning of IGBT Battery Charger.
2 Number of 110V, 70A IGBT Battery Chargers for the Project of Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd… 
BMRCL Successfully Commissioning of IGBT Battery Charger.
2 Number of 110V, 70A IGBT Battery Chargers for the Project of Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd… 
BMRCL Successfully Commissioning of IGBT Battery Charger.
2 Number of 110V, 70A IGBT Battery Chargers for the Project of Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd… 
BMRCL Successfully Commissioning of IGBT Battery Charger.
2 Number of 110V, 70A IGBT Battery Chargers for the Project of Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd… 

Client 01
Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.

110V 70A IGBT

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Works: X/278A
Alumchuvadu-Aqueduct Road
Njaralloor, Kizhakkambalam P.O
Aluva, Ernakulam-683562
Kerala India,